Maria Bonsanti

Deputy Director Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

Voted for

Les Enfants du paradis1945Marcel Carné
Rear Window1954Alfred Hitchcock
Some Like It Hot1959Billy Wilder
Canta delle marane 1961Cecilia Mangini
Cléo from 5 to 71962Agnès Varda
The Blue Planet1982Franco Piavoli
Short Cuts1993Robert Altman
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance1962John Ford
Barry Lyndon1975Stanley Kubrick
Meshes of the Afternoon1943Maya Deren, Alexander Hackenschmied


Inevitably, the criterion for the list is self-referential. Some of the 10 titles are evidently more self-referential than others. What is fun about this exercise is also to suggest, learn, or remember about a couple of movies that might be overlooked. And to realise how much what is missing is put in light by its absence.

P.S. The order is aleatory.