Leave a Legacy – support the BFI

As a charity, we depend on the support of people who love what we do. Leaving a legacy gift to the BFI can make a huge difference to us, as we hope the experiences you have had at the BFI have made a difference to you.

The future of a rich and stimulating film landscape depends on reaching the broadest possible audience, supporting emerging talent and protecting our film heritage. Your support of the BFI can make this happen.

A legacy can be any size. Even a fraction of your estate could help future audiences discover the wonder of film and enjoy the BFI as you do today.

It is so important to me that films are preserved for future generations. The immediacy of film makes it the most valuable visual resource of the last hundred years. Prior to film we could only read about people and events. Now, future historians will have a treasure trove of visual media to explore.Anonymous, BFI Legacy Circle

At your discretion, if you notify us of your intentions we will be able to thank you personally, guide you through the process and welcome you to the BFI Legacy Circle. As a member of this special group of people you will be invited to our annual Legacy Circle thank you event, and receive updates from us about the impact of your support. We will also honour your legacy with a personalised named seat in NFT1.

If you would like to find out more about how to leave a gift in your Will and how legacy gifts have an impact on the BFI’s work, please do get in touch with us.

Get in touch

There are many things to consider when writing or adapting your Will and we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. All conversations will remain confidential and non-binding. We strongly recommend that you consult an independent legal professional when making or altering a Will.

Harry Pasek, Philanthropy Manager
020 7957 4729

Please contact us directly using the address provided, or fill in and return our Leave a legacy form (PDF). Alternatively you may submit your details via our online contact form.