John and the Hole: a slick but insubstantial psychological thriller

“John’s motivations don’t need to be explained, but ambiguity does not always yield complexity.”

John and the Hole (2021)

Pascual Sisto’s foreboding and crisply shot psychological thriller bears all the trappings of a Yorgos Lanthimos film, with none of the humor or substance. Charlie Shotwell gives a compelling performance as the inscrutable John, who suddenly drops his family into a bunker and embarks upon a clumsily forged independence. Elsewhere, a mother tells her daughter his story, a curiously awkward framing device in an otherwise meticulously composed film.

And what then to make of this dark “fable” given John’s rather uncommon position as the son of a family so wealthy they even have a bunker on their sizable property? John’s motivations don’t need to be explained, but ambiguity does not always yield complexity.