Tanja Vrvilo

performans artist and film curator, director of Film Mutations: Festival of Invisible Cinema

Voted for

ÉLOGE DE L'AMOUR2001Jean-Luc Godard
Late Spring1949Yasujirō Ozu
Vitalina Varela2019Pedro Costa
KLASSENVERHÄLTNISSE1983Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub
Sátántangó1994Béla Tarr
Landscape Suicide1986James Benning
Kuca na pjesku (The House on the Sand)1985Ivan Martinac
Red Desert1964Michelangelo Antonioni
The Death of Louis XIV2016Albert Serra
L' EMPIRE DES SENS1976Nagisa Oshima


Kuca na pjesku (The House on the Sand)


The only feature-length film by a visionary filmmaker, structural thinker and poet from Split, which materializes the perfectionism of his (58) shorts.

Dedicated to Bruce Baillie’s Mass for Dakota Sioux.

Further remarks

These chosen moments of my histoire(s) du cinéma are just touching a few cine-contradictions that inspire all my life and work in the un/filmic time.