Philip Concannon


Voted for

The Ascent1976Larissa Shepitko
Belfast, Maine1999Frederick Wiseman
The Best Years of Our Lives1946William Wyler
GoodFellas1990Martin Scorsese
Hail the Conquering Hero1944Preston Sturges
Nashville1975Robert Altman
The New World2005Terrence Malick
Steamboat Bill, Jr.1928Charles F. Riesner
West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty1979Med Hondo


It's an impossible task to create a list like this without being left with numerous frustrations and regrets. I can't believe I haven't found room for filmmakers like Akerman, Allen, Chaplin, Eustache, Ford, Godard, Hawks, Kurosawa, Minnelli or Welles on either my 2012 list or this one. Perhaps they'll have their day in 2032. Nevertheless, this selection feels like a good representation of my current film taste. The one stipulation I set for myself was to pick ten different titles than I did a decade ago, with the only filmmakers to make both lists being Buster Keaton and Martin Scorsese - the two touchstones of my cinephile life.