Paolo Moretti

Film programmer

Voted for

Roma città aperta1945Roberto Rossellini
ROGOPAG1963Roberto Rossellini, Ugo Gregoretti, Jean-Luc Godard, Pier Paolo Pasolini
Zabriskie Point1970Michelangelo Antonioni
Solaris1972Andrei Tarkovsky
La Maman et la Putain1973Jean Eustache
IM LAUF DER ZEIT1976Wim Wenders
Hitler, a film from Germany1977Hans Jürgen Syberberg
Fitzcarraldo1981Werner Herzog
The Draughtsman's Contract1982Peter Greenaway
Lost Highway1996David Lynch


Making a list of the "Greatest Films of All Time" it's an amusing but of course impossible task. 10 is an extremely small number for any cinephile.

Needless to say, the list does not claim to be exhaustive, nor scientific, it's a purely subjective and emotional snapshot in time which could be different tomorrow.

It's a list based more on personal notions of cinematographic pleasure, memories of revelation and subjective image persistency rather than on a rational, academic approach. The are indeed more historically "important" works, and/or films which I could agree are "greater" in many ways, which do not appear here.

But these films have a seminal value to me as they retrace - approximately - where my personal cinephilia originated from and, at the same time, they haven't finished distilling an intense power of primal fascination.

Thank you for inviting me to participate.