Pablo Berger


Voted for

KÖRKARLEN1921Victor Sjöström
Napoléon1927Abel Gance
Singin' in the Rain1951Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen
La strada1954Federico Fellini
El verdugo1963Luis García Berlanga
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb1963Stanley Kubrick
Le Locataire1976Roman Polanski
Hannah and Her Sisters1986Woody Allen
Blue Velvet1986David Lynch
Spirited Away2001Hayao Miyazaki



1921 Sweden

Visual poetry. If you don't cry at the end of this film, probably you are dead.


1927 France

Abel Gance writes with images like no one before or after him. Pure cinema.

Singin' in the Rain

1951 USA

Technicolor dreams. I always have a permanent smile while watching it.

La strada

1954 Italy

The eyes of Giullieta Massina express more than words. I love all Fellini's films.

El verdugo

1963 Spain, Italy

An absolute masterpiece to be discovered by many cinephiles outside Spain. Life is sad… but funny.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

1963 United Kingdom, USA

“The Master” made the darkest (and funniest) satirical (and political) comedy of all times. You should watch it before the world ends…

Le Locataire

1976 France

Macabre, mysterious, comical, paranoid… Always surprising. 100% Polanski.

Hannah and Her Sisters

1986 USA

The script is perfect. The cast is perfect. The cinematography is perfect. The direction is perfect. Everything is.

Blue Velvet

1986 USA

Hypnotic, erotic, funny, terrifying… You dream awake while watching it.

Spirited Away

2001 Japan

Miyazaki blends Japanese folklore with Alice in Wonderland, creating a work of art. Animation is not for kids only.