Julien Gester

Ex-culture editor and film critic (at Libération), now US foreign correspondent (still with Libération).

Voted for

Tabu A Story of the South Seas1931F.W. Murnau
Love Affair1939Leo McCarey
Madame de...1953Max Ophuls
Touki Bouki1973Djibril Diop Mambéty
EDVARD MUNCH1976Peter Watkins
Les RENDEZ-VOUS D'ANNA1978Chantal Akerman
FRANCISCA1981Manoel de Oliveira
Right Now, Wrong Then2015Hong Sangsoo
West of the Tracks2002Wang Bing
Speed Racer2008The Wachowskis


Here in Brooklyn, on a Tuesday, it's 9:37pm, and the temperature is considerably higher than seasonal norms. Seen from here and now, here are ten of the most consoling films to wait for the end of this world.