Jordan Hoffman


Voted for

2001: A Space Odyssey1968Stanley Kubrick
A Serious Man2009Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Annie Hall1977Woody Allen
Do the Right Thing1989Spike Lee
Duck Soup1933Leo McCarey
HORÍ, MÁ PANENKO1967Milos Forman
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance1983Godfrey Reggio
Star Trek The Wrath of Khan1982Nicholas Meyer
Woodstock 3 Days of Peace & Music1970Michael Wadleigh
Zorns Lemma1970Hollis Frampton


2001: A Space Odyssey

1968 USA, United Kingdom

I've read Michael Benson's marvelous book about this film's production, but I believe it is part of the elaborate hoax. "2001" was not made by people of Earth. This is only movie where if I just watch it another time, I may finally uncover a hidden truth that could enlighten us all.

A Serious Man

2009 United Kingdom, USA, France

None of us have ordered Santana "Abraxas," really.

Annie Hall

1977 USA

I could have picked "Hannah and Her Sisters" or "The Purple Rose of Cairo" or "Crimes and Misdemeanors" or "Zelig" or even "Sleeper," but maybe "Annie Hall" is the most beloved because it is, in the end, Woody Allen's best.

Do the Right Thing

1989 USA

Beyond being a landmark concerning race in America, this is also a hilarious and endlessly quotable New York City movie.

Duck Soup

1933 USA

The comedy lodestar that will never get old.


1967 Czechoslovakia, Italy

If one must expose systemic corruption and the selfish attitudes shared by all the moment they attain a modicum of power, there should at least be some jokes along the way.

Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance

1983 USA

Almost feels reductive to call this merely a "film."

Star Trek The Wrath of Khan

1982 USA

The finest swashbuckler of them all, except for "Raiders of the Lost Ark," but while I love Indy and the whip, Spock in the warp core chamber just means more to me.

Woodstock 3 Days of Peace & Music

1970 USA

If you cut all the music out, this is still a spectacular film. If you watch only the music, this is still a spectacular film. Put the two together, you have a masterpiece that has never been topped.

Zorns Lemma

1970 USA

Playful and pleasing one minute, inexplicably frustrating the next. Just like life.

Further remarks

These selections, at least in my mind, fulfill different aspects of what I love about cinema. Most could, of course, be easily swapped for something else. I'll allow myself an "honorable mention ten" with "Casablanca," "Closely Watched Trains," Jan Svankmajer's version of "Faust," "GoodFellas," "One, Two, Three,""Paterson," "Persona," "Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and maybe one of the Hope and Crosby "Road" pictures. There are a lot of great movies out there!