João Antunes

Film journalist, critic and historian

Voted for

2001: A Space Odyssey1968Stanley Kubrick
Persona1966Ingmar Bergman
La Règle du jeu1939Jean Renoir
Tokyo Story1953Yasujirō Ozu
Citizen Kane1941Orson Welles
Johnny Guitar1954Nicholas Ray
The General1926Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman
The Big Sleep1946Howard Hawks
The Searchers1956John Ford
North by Northwest1959Alfred Hitchcock


2001: A Space Odyssey

1968 USA, United Kingdom

If you need a reason for the invention of cinema, this is it. You can see this film a thousand times, you will always discover new reasons to love it, even if you will never understand it entirely.


1966 Sweden

It's incredible how this movie remains modern. When you show it to a group of students and at the end they surround you in amazement, you understand better the importance of this piece of pure art.

La Règle du jeu

1939 France

A lesson in life in every dialogue, a piece of cinema in every frame. The joy of seeing a movie was never as great as here.

Tokyo Story

1953 Japan

Ozu is the most perfect filmmaker in the world. Every shot could not be anything else. But his stories stay always so simple, so human, so close to us.

Citizen Kane

1941 USA

It's always an obvious choice, because it's impossible to close our eyes to the modernity, the innovative structure, the new way of shooting.

Johnny Guitar

1954 USA

It's not just an western, it's not just a tragedy. It's the film where Love was portrayed in a more magnificent way. The "tell me lies" sequence is one of the most beautiful of all history of cinema.

The General

1926 USA

Mathematics and cinema hand in hand. Not only an amazing comedian, Buster Keaton was an amazing filmmaker, visually striking and powerful in telling his story.

The Big Sleep

1946 USA

You don't "understand" the story in its full details? Not important, cinema as atmospheric as it never was, and Bogart and Bacall are just one, in cinema as they were in life.

The Searchers

1956 USA

John Ford made possibly the 10 best films in cinema history. This is one of them, for sure the one who created more passion in the cinephiles' hearts. Oh, John Wayne and that door...

North by Northwest

1959 USA

When the word "entertainment" is used to classify products that ocupy most of the film theatres, it's great to come back to one of the most entertaining films in film history, so full of secrets and an amazing Cary Grant…