Jeff Scheible

Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, King's College London

Voted for

Mothlight1963Stan Brakhage
The Interview1971Mrinal Sen
News from Home1976Chantal Akerman
Miss Universo en el Perú1982Chaski Group
Dong1998Tsai Ming-liang
The Apple1997Samira Makhmalbaf
Me and You and Everyone We Know2005Miranda July
It's Such a Beautiful Day2012Don Hertzfeldt
Manakamana2013Stephanie Spray, Pacho Velez
Love Is the Message, the Message Is Death2016Arthur Jafa


There's no such thing as the greatest films of all time. But I'll take the opportunity to share ten films that have stuck with me, and which I'd be happy to introduce to others who might not have seen them. Some are short and can be found online. My predilection for these is in almost all cases connected to my encounters with them in particular places and at specific times in my life. I'm of course leaving out way too many works by other filmmakers I'd also like to include.