Ina Archer

Artist, Media Conservator and Digitization Specialist

Voted for

L'Atalante1934Jean Vigo
A Matter of Life and Death1946Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Whoopee!1930Thornton Freeland
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles1975Chantal Akerman
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre1974Tobe Hooper
Late Spring1949Yasujirō Ozu
Love Is the Message, the Message Is Death2016Arthur Jafa
The Blood of Jesus1941Spencer Williams
Do the Right Thing1989Spike Lee
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One1967William Greaves



1934 France

After I saw a scene of Juliette seeming to walk on water waking into a dream, as the film played on Manhattan Cable TV, its patina of decomposition seduced me and L'Atalante eventually supplanted my adolescent beloved, Les Enfants du paradis.

A Matter of Life and Death

1946 United Kingdom

The cinematic/celestial linkage between worlds, heavens, conciousness, fantasies and love resonates more vividly each time I watch this beautiful film.


1930 USA

Whoopee is my go-to to enjoy American film as it transitions from theatre/stage into The Movies, occupying that slim moment of experimentation with colour, sound and text before standardisation. Whoopee merrily mixes up already problematic representations of race, ethnicity, class, whiteness, Native displacement, minstrelsy, sexuality, femininity, masculinity, miscegenation, gender and genre, to name a few. There are other films like this – The King of Jazz or Diplomaniacs – but Whoopee, my two-strip, pastel favourite, has it ALL.

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

1975 Belgium, France

Jeanne Dielman is richer and more filled with loving with each viewing. Delphine Seyrig is a wonder in every project and this performance is intensely beautiful.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

1974 USA

It ain't broke – stop trying to fix/remake it. My most feared and now favourite Horror AND Musical film.

Leatherface, like all of us, just wants to be loved. "Is that so wrong?"

Late Spring

1949 Japan

The joyful bike riding! Weeping at the finale and embarrassed as the lights suddenly came up.

Love Is the Message, the Message Is Death

2016 USA

Awestruck by this artwork in whichever format makes it available, but it's most stunning huge with great speakers. Thinking/feeling manifested in collaged remnants. Mesmerised, I think I have it Memorised, edit for edit, but then I am struck again.

The Blood of Jesus

1941 USA

Here to represent the greatness, uniqueness, lovely beauty of early (Black) cinema – even as it transcends decades. So difficult to choose between Something Good – Negro Kiss, By Right of Birth, The Girl from Chicago, The Flying Ace, The Exile…

Do the Right Thing

1989 USA

Props. Struggled between this and Moonlight. Both changed the game.

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One

1967 USA

Complex, wondrous, intellectual and playful as its title. I struggled between this and Killer of Sheep (Burnett) although one, theoretically, is a documentary…

Further remarks

The Struggle is real! This was an impossible task and it was cruel to invite me. Please ask me to join again, soon!!