David Obarrio

Critic, programmer

Voted for

The Naked Kiss1964Samuel Fuller
Design for Living1933Ernst Lubitsch
Wake in Fright1971Ted Kotcheff
The Man Who Knew Too Much1955Alfred Hitchcock
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie1976John Cassavetes
The Wings of Eagles1956John Ford
Tiovivo c. 19502004José Luis Garci
Point Break1991Kathryn Bigelow
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes1970Billy Wilder


Let's put it this way: these films are specially significant to me. That means I have chosen films I feel somehow speak to me; that really mean something to me, beyond their relevance in the history of cinema. In other words, images that always seem to move and tremble mysteriously, sometimes with no concessions or proper manners. In the end, I think the best films are mostly those you can consider your own, with no further reasons or explanations.