Carlos Abascal Peiró


Voted for

La Règle du jeu1939Jean Renoir
The Exterminating Angel1962Luis Buñuel
North by Northwest1959Alfred Hitchcock
Die Hard1988John McTiernan
The Conformist1970Bernardo Bertolucci
Terms of Endearment1983James L. Brooks
Fanny and Alexander1982Ingmar Bergman
Two Weeks in Another Town1962Vincente Minnelli
HANA-BI1997Takeshi Kitano
In a Lonely Place1950Nicholas Ray


La Règle du jeu

1939 France

The best movie ever. Here, Renoir is coining the language of modern cinema.

The Exterminating Angel

1962 Mexico

Buñuel's masterpiece. He is at his best here, combining surrealism and his very personal vision of class struggle.

North by Northwest

1959 USA

Reinventing the adventure film. Real FUN, in the most noble sense of the word.

Die Hard

1988 USA

Die Hard, a luxurious piece of moviemaking, is the John McClane of the action film. Even when you think he is going to be defeated, he is not.

The Conformist

1970 Italy, France, Federal Republic of Germany

This movie is a film school in itself. Each shot, each decision, each little trembling of Trintignant's chin.

Terms of Endearment

1983 USA

What Brooks is doing here with comedy and drama – his skill at putting together the sacred and profane, at managing and deconstructing plot structure – changed everything.

Two Weeks in Another Town

1962 USA

Why doesn't anybody talk about this movie?