Brad Stevens

Film Critic

Voted for

Mikey and Nicky1976Elaine May
New Rose Hotel1998Abel Ferrara
Heaven's Gate1980Michael Cimino
Late Spring1949Yasujirō Ozu
La Règle du jeu1939Jean Renoir
Letter from an Unknown Woman1948Max Ophuls
Two-lane Blacktop1971Monte Hellman
Five Men in the Circus1935Naruse Mikio
Ganja & Hess1973Bill Gunn
A City of Sadness1989Hou Hsiao-Hsien


As cinephiles, our sense of self is intricately connected to our cinematic tastes. The final results of Sight & Sound's Greatest Films of All Time Poll will inevitably be less fascinating than what individual lists reveal about those who have compiled them. This, then, is who I am in 2022.