Making an application for BFI National Lottery Creative Challenge funding

This guide gives you advice and recommendations on how to write a good application for the BFI National Lottery Creative Challenge Fund.


  1. Overview
  2. Delivering against our National Lottery Strategy
  3. Check if you’re eligible
  4. What you can use the funding for
  5. How to apply
  6. What happens after you apply
  7. Getting a decision
  8. Conditions of funding

Challenge 1: Create and deliver a genre-focused project development lab for new or emerging filmmakers

1. Overview

Our first challenge seeks to address the comparative lack of genre feature and immersive projects coming through to public sector funders for support. 53% of feature development applications received by the BFI are identified by their producers as dramas. This contributes to a lack of genre diversity in the projects receiving public funds and more broadly seeking support in the commercial marketplace. We are looking for organisations that can change this situation by running genre-focused development programmes, to stimulate new genre projects and provide filmmakers with environments that give targeted support for the development of genre films. Programmes should be designed to maximise the chances of projects securing development finance from a range of sources following completion of the programme.

We expect to fund up to 8 programmes addressing this challenge.

What genre and content can programmes focus on? 

We are looking for lab programmes focusing on genres outside of drama and its sub-genres such as coming of age or romantic drama. The projects supported through the labs need to be distinctly identifiable within another genre category that is not drama, for example, comedy; horror; thriller; sci-fi.

In line with the purposes of BFI National Lottery funding, all projects that are taken through the programmes supported by the Creative Challenge Fund must, once made, be capable of being certified as British through any of the following:

  • the applicable Cultural Test for Film or Video Games
  • one of the UK’s official bi-lateral co-production treaties
  • the European Convention on co-production

You can read more information on British certification on the BFI website.

This means that for organisations who are successful in receiving funding to run a programme, their call for projects to take part will need to include a section requiring applicants to determine whether or not their project meets the above criteria.

What format can programmes focus on? 

Programmes must be designed to develop projects in any or all of the following formats:

  • fiction features (live action or animation)
  • documentary features (live action or animation)
  • narrative immersive film work

By feature we mean a standalone work which, when made, will be at least 70 minutes in length.

Programmes can encompass multiple forms where this is practicable. We are not looking for proposals for labs focused only on individual forms (e.g. an immersive lab without a genre focus) — the focus should be on genre as a primary characteristic.

We cannot support the development of television projects, so all projects being accepted onto programmes must be seeking to be realised in either feature film for theatrical release or immersive format.  

Starting points for designing your Creative Challenge Fund programme

You can apply for between £12,000 and £150,000 to run a creative development programme. Programmes can have a duration of up to one year, from your call for applicants to delivery of a final session. We may exceptionally consider supporting programmes with a longer duration if there is a clear case for why this is necessary. If you would like to run a programme of more than one year, please contact us on before you make an application.

Programmes should take in a minimum of ten projects, each being represented by one or more individuals.

We expect many applicants to propose programmes with UK-wide reach in terms of the scope of their recruitment process and residency location of the filmmakers that take part. We are also open to programmes that have a more regional or localised focus, where there is a strategic argument for this.

All programmes need to be designed to move the projects taking part to a further stage of development. When applying, you will be asked to specify what you will expect from the filmmakers benefiting from your programme at key intervals. You might focus on a specific stage of development, or cover different aspects of the development process and identify outputs for each one. We will ask you to specify the final ‘deliverables’ you will require participating filmmakers to produce by the end of your programme. These are likely to be development materials that they can use to pitch for further project finance.

BFI National Lottery funding supports activity that the commercial market alone will not finance. We are therefore looking for programmes that will stimulate genre projects that will not gain other sources of finance at this point in their development. For avoidance of doubt, a project taking part in a Creative Challenge Fund programme does not influence or improve its likelihood of receiving further funding from other BFI funds for later stages of development or production.

Who should programmes benefit?

The beneficiaries of your proposed programmes should be over 18 and not in full-time education at the point of taking part in the programme and either:

  • UK resident writers and directors, or writer-directors, who are developing their first, second or third feature film/narrative immersive work — those working on their first film must have established themselves through a body of existing creative work
  • UK resident producers of any level who are developing projects with writers or directors who meet the experience criteria above

Programmes can be open to all such filmmakers or targeted to one or more under-represented groups. All programmes should be designed to be fully accessible to participants with access requirements, and budgets should include a contingency line to be used if access provision is required for individual participants.

We anticipate that each programme we fund would have, in the cohort of projects it will select for participation, a balance of those that are already supported at development stage with finance from an external source (public or private) and those with promising projects that are yet to receive development funding. This may include people and projects previously funded by the BFI requiring further development support. The BFI may suggest to some projects it has funded that they apply to a programme receiving Creative Challenge Fund support.

How will successful organisations select projects to take part in their programme?

Organisations receiving Creative Challenge Fund support to run a programme will need to issue an open call for applicants to take part in their programme and conduct outreach to ensure the call reaches its intended beneficiaries. The BFI will provide guidance to organisations on elements that will need to be included in their calls for applicants and will require approval of the call documents before they are published.

If projects seeking to take part in a programme are already receiving development funding from the BFI Development Fund, BFI NETWORK Early Development Fund or another BFI NETWORK partner, we may require that they submit the final materials relating to that funding to the BFI before they can take part in the programme. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis between the organisation delivering the programme and the BFI.

National Lottery funds can only be used to benefit filmmakers who demonstrate a compelling case for National Lottery support and a clear public benefit from the activity being funded. We don’t expect organisations delivering programmes to formally means-test the filmmakers who want to take part, but do expect part of your assessment process to gain sufficient information from applicants to consider who will benefit most from the support; which filmmakers are otherwise likely to struggle to find the time or other resources needed to make progress; and which filmmakers may, based on track records or information they have shared in their application, be likely to achieve success without needing public funding for this project or at this point in their careers. If applicants to a programme have a project that has secured development funding from any source, it will need to be clear that the activity supported by participation in the Creative Challenge-funded programme is entirely additional and not already funded through the existing development finance.

What happens to the rights in the projects taking part in a development programme?

Organisations delivering programmes funded by the Creative Challenge Fund cannot take rights in projects going through the programme, as a condition of participation, nor should they anticipate taking rights in those projects as a matter of course. Where production companies are delivering programmes, we recognise that they may choose to pick up a project for further development following the completion of the programme. This would be a positive outcome of the Creative Challenge Fund’s intervention. At the same time, this Fund does not support slate development, as that would confer an unfair economic advantage on a very limited number of production companies (by slate development, we mean a single company building a portfolio of projects that it intends to take rights in or develop further following the National Lottery-funded programme). Therefore, all organisations applying must propose programmes with an open application process, so filmmakers who are entirely new to the organisation can take part, and must not place any conditions on participants relating to taking rights in projects participating in the programme. This includes not:


  • taking any Executive Producer (EP) or similar credits on projects, should they subsequently go into production. You will be provided with BFI branding guidelines detailing how those projects should acknowledge Creative Challenge Fund support, which will identify how your organisation and your programme can also be credited on the project alongside the BFI National Lottery
  • taking any kind of fee in relation to further development or production of the project; and
  • requiring a ‘first look’ arrangement in relation to any participating project

2. Delivering against our National Lottery Strategy

Objective and outcomes

The BFI National Lottery strategy is underpinned by a series of principles and outcomes, that our funds contribute to achieving. We are intending the Creative Challenge Fund to meet these funding outcomes. You will be asked to identify which outcomes your project will achieve in your application.

Key Performance Indicators

The BFI will measure the success of the Creative Challenge Fund using the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • a minimum of 24 programmes funded in total
  • 60% of filmmakers taking part in programmes are based outside of London and the South East, 15% to be based in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales
  • at least 30% of filmmakers taking part in programmes are new to BFI National Lottery funding
  • projects participating in Creative Challenge Fund programmes converted to production within five years: 15% 

The BFI’s Inclusion targets will apply to the overall profile of the participants on programmes supported by the Fund, across 2023-26:


  • disability (including those identifying as D/deaf or neurodiverse or with a longstanding physical or mental diagnosis): 22% 
  • ethnically diverse (London): 40%
  • ethnically diverse (outside London): 30%
  • gender (50-50 balance of male and female identifying within the gender binary): 50%
  • LGBTQIA+ (including those identifying outside the gender binary): 10%
  • working class background: 39% 

3. Check if you’re eligible 

Who can apply?

We are seeking organisations to design and run creative project development programmes in feature film or narrative immersive media. These should consist of structured creative practice sessions that progress the projects filmmakers are working on, contextualised with broader career development support. Programmes may include shadowing opportunities, mentoring, e.g. read-throughs, scene shoots, peer support, finance and packaging advice, audience and impact strategy, career planning, matching filmmakers with industry advocates and champions and other elements that applicants identify as beneficial in meeting the challenge. All programmes need a clear structure with defined start and end points.

This activity will require specialist knowledge, delivery infrastructure and relationships so applicants are expected to be screen organisations with sufficient expertise, already operating in the sector. Applicants should have previously delivered creative or talent development programmes and be able to evidence successful previous delivery including describing beneficial outcomes for participants. If you are a newly formed organisation staffed by individuals with relevant experience, the eligibility criteria will be applied to your staff’s collective experience rather than the track record of the organisation itself.

We accept applications from legally constituted organisations centrally managed in the UK, including:

  • limited companies registered at Companies House
  • community interest companies registered at Companies House
  • UK combined or local authorities or statutory bodies
  • UK charities or trusts registered with the relevant charity commission

Production companies are eligible to apply, providing they are not seeking support for slate development and are proposing a new programme that is outside of their regular activity. Organisations whose primary purpose is delivery of exhibition activity such as a UK based film festival that meet the eligibility criteria may apply.

Where organisations applying are profit-making, the activity we fund will need to be not-for-profit.

As part of our commitment to addressing industry imbalances and under-representation, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from organisations:

  • based outside London and the South East. We also recognise the importance of small organisations with a London or South East base that serve under-represented parts of the industry and are seeking to deliver a larger scale or nationwide programme for the first time
  • led by staff with characteristics that remain under-represented in the wider screen industry, in line with the focus areas of the BFI Diversity Standards

Applicant organisations who are currently being funded by another BFI fund, such as Discovery or Impact production funding, will need to demonstrate that they are sufficiently free of other funding-related commitments to deliver the proposed programme.

Existing programmes

Support from the Creative Challenge Fund is not intended to substitute or replace existing funding or income that would otherwise be available, or to fund activity at the same scale that can go ahead without our support. We recognise that there may be some existing programmes that meet the criteria of this Fund that have lost other funding, as sources of finance for creative development programmes have reduced in recent years. Organisations in this scenario can apply if they can demonstrate that:

  • they no longer have access to previous, or other, sources of funding sufficient to deliver their programme;
  • their programme will only be delivered if they were to receive National Lottery support; and
  • the programme has evolved to address immediate industry challenges and to meet all eligibility criteria of these Creative Challenge Fund guidelines

National Lottery funds can only be awarded to applicants who demonstrate need and a clear public benefit from the activity being funded. Any organisations that receive support that apply again to the Fund will need to meet the specificity of the challenge concerned. This is project-based, time-limited funding, and as such, there should be no expectation of ongoing support beyond the term of any awards made. All applicants are encouraged to develop plans for alternative sources of funding if they intend their activity to continue following Challenge Fund support.

Ineligible applicants

The following types of applicant cannot apply:

  • individuals (the call for participants in funded programmes will be run separately by successful organisations)
  • any organisations looking to develop their own slates of creative projects
  • organisations looking to produce a film or series of films through the delivery of a development programme – the focus must be on development, not a production output
  • organisations otherwise not meeting the criteria outlined in these guidelines

Get in touch with the team if you’re unsure that you are eligible for this fund:

4. What you can use the funding for 

Eligible costs

Applicants need to propose programmes that have been devised to respond to the challenge criteria outlined in the overview of these guidelines. You can use this funding for programme costs including:

  • cost of your organisation’s staff time for running the programme, where this is not already covered by another source of public funding
  • freelance facilitator and contributor fees
  • payments to filmmaker participants for their time on the programme (see guidance below)
  • programme venue costs
  • equipment hire e.g. for production-related workshops
  • creative practice sessions e.g. read-throughs, scene shoots
  • travel for delivery staff and participants to and from the programme
  • participant and programme staff accommodation where programmes are residential / require overnight stays
  • provision of meals and refreshments for participants when the programme schedule necessitates this
  • mentors
  • shadowing opportunities
  • monitoring/surveying costs of participants to feed into your final reporting. This work should be conducted by you and not a third-party consultant
  • access requirements of participants or contributors
  • any specific and demonstrable overhead costs your organisation will incur in relation to delivery of the programme (payroll administration costs, office space etc.), where these are not already covered by another source of public funding. These costs should not exceed whichever is the greater of 5% of the amount you are seeking from the BFI or £2,000. If you request overhead costs you will need to provide a breakdown of how the amount has been calculated

Where the content of a programme brings specific sensitivities around wellbeing, applicants can budget for relevant wellbeing support if this carries a specific cost.

Payments to participants

We expect you to budget to pay participants for their time while they participate in your programme. This should be based on a minimum eight-hour day rate of £110 per person. All payments to participants need to equate to hours spent taking part in the programme, rather than providing a flat fee. The maximum amount that can be paid to an individual for participation is £5,000 which would equate to 45.5 days at the minimum rate. This would be a substantial time commitment for participants and we expect most programmes to require a significantly smaller commitment.   

Organisations can offer programme participants the ability to waive their participation fee, on the grounds that they have already secured substantial development backing for their project or judge themselves to be of sufficient financial means that they do not require the support. In this instance, successful organisations could propose during delivery to reallocate these funds to another area of the programme that requires additional finance or offers an opportunity to increase impact. This re-allocation will require BFI approval; if the reallocation is not approved by BFI, or the funds are no longer required, they will be retained by BFI for distribution to other projects seeking National Lottery funding.

Applicants can propose to pay a higher day rate to participants where this is designed to demonstrably increase access to the programme. If you wish to do this, you should provide the thinking behind your approach in your application to us.  

All organisations applying need to outline the fraud risk measures they will apply to programme delivery, including ensuring the payments for participants’ time are received by the correct individuals, and payments are only made in accordance with actual time spent attending programme sessions.

Ineligible costs

We cannot support the following types of programme or cost:

  • drama project development programmes
  • TV project development
  • for-profit activity by the organisation running a programme
  • seed funding, screenplay fees or standard development fee payments to projects taking part in the programme, beyond the allowable payment for participant time
  • programmes solely focused on production skills / practical filmmaking skills
  • timed filmmaking challenges
  • the purchase of equipment e.g. IT equipment, phones, production kit etc.
  • a project management fee or profit line that does not reflect costs directly associated with delivery of the programme
  • core costs for the day-to-day running of your organisation not associated with the activity
  • flights within or between England, Wales and Scotland
  • provision of one-to-one therapy or other ongoing therapeutic interventions for participants
  • third party evaluation
  • prize funding of any kind
  • alcohol, parties or similar events
  • activity that is already specifically supported by another external source of funding
  • programmes that focus on other art-forms such as literature, dance on film, poetry film, opera or artists’ moving image
  • cost incurred prior to an offer of funding from BFI
  • promotional materials (stands, printed brochures, tote bags, badges etc.)
  • programmes already supported by other BFI funding provided by a different fund or BFI delegate partner – please contact us if you are unsure whether this applies to you

For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a general training fund and the BFI has separate initiatives that focus on industry skills. Only programmes with a project development focus targeted at writers, directors or producers may apply.

The above list is not exhaustive and we may inform you that other types of activity within your application cannot be supported by a BFI award, or request that you amend specific budget lines.

Please note, if you are registered for VAT, your figures should not include VAT that you can claim back. If you are not registered for VAT, or you are registered for VAT but cannot fully recover the VAT you incur on costs, your figures should include irrecoverable VAT. Grants we make are ‘outside the scope’ of VAT and should be listed in your accounts as a grant and not, for example, as a fee for any services supplied to the BFI. You should get financial advice from your own accountant or the relevant tax office.

Partnership funding

The amount of partnership funding we expect you to include in the income section of your programme budget differs depending on the size of your organisation.

For micro organisations of 0-9 employees, we do not require any cash or in-kind contribution, though organisations that can provide or leverage a contribution are welcome to include this in their budget.

For small organisations of 10-49 employees, we expect a cash or in-kind partnership match of at least 5% of the amount you are seeking from the BFI.

For medium and larger organisations of 50+ employees, we expect a cash partnership match of at least 10% of the amount you are seeking from the BFI.

5. How to apply

When you can apply

Applications are now closed.

Submitting an application

You need to create an account to make your application online. You can save your application and return to it later. Make sure you complete all the sections as incomplete forms will be automatically ineligible.

Information you need to provide

As an overview, the form will ask you for:

  • Programme summary including:
    • aims and objectives
    • overview of the content and structure
    • proposed filmmaker and project eligibility criteria
    • your plans for outreach and filmmaker engagement plans throughout the application period
  • Programme management including:
    • safeguarding and wellbeing
    • financial processes
    • staffing
    • past experience
  • Environmental sustainability covering:
    • programme delivery
    • programme content
  • Key Performance Indicators for the programme covering:
    • number of participants
    • number of projects going through the programme
    • the length of the programme
    • any specific outreach and recruitment activity you will carry out
    • the number of hours of facilitated sessions within your programme
    • measure of participant satisfaction with the programme in post-programme surveys
    • inclusion targets for participants
    • geographical spread of participants   
    • the delivery materials you will ask for from participants
    • programme finances
    • a response to the BFI Diversity Standards, covering plans for tackling under-representation in relation to disability, gender, race, age, sexual orientation and socio-economic status


At the end of the form, you will be asked to attach:

  • marketing and outreach plan describing how you will engage potential applicants
  • draft programme plan – including dates/deadlines, content and description of activity, who you will approach to deliver each session (where known at point of application), and proposed event locations (i.e. which city/town rather than which specific venue)
  • detailed budget in Excel format providing a breakdown of income and expenditure and showing the amount and status of any partnership funding
  • your last set of independently certified / audited accounts
  • where you have them in place already, your organisational anti-bullying and harassment and wellbeing policies
  • risk register for the programme from point of funding confirmation onwards, identifying risks perceived, how they will be mitigated and who is responsible for taking action

If you have gained agreement from us to apply for a programme that lasts longer than a year, you will also need to attach:

  • your most recent organisational budget and management accounts for the current financial year as approved by your Board (including both income and expenditure reporting and a balance sheet)
  • budget and forecast for your organisation covering the full life of the activity being applied for, for example 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2025, accompanied by notes highlighting the assumptions made and key risks (for instance around renewal of funding from other sources)

Equality monitoring

You will be asked to complete an equality monitoring form when you submit your application. The form asks for demographic information on the staff working on your programme or in your organisation. The data that you submit on this form will be confidential and anonymous and not seen by the staff assessing your application. We will not be able to put forward your application for assessment until you have completed the equality monitoring form.

If you have any questions when completing the application form please contact us on We welcome your feedback on the application process and how we might improve it.

6. What happens after you apply

You will get confirmation we received your application within 2 working days of the closing date for applications. You will get a decision within 8 to 10 weeks after that. 

Once submitted, the BFI Filmmaking Fund will review your application and if necessary, may write to you or request to meet with you to obtain more information about your application. For applicants who have gained our agreement to seek funding for a programme taking place over more than 12 months, we may ask you at this point for a cash flow showing when you will spend the funding. If we need additional information from you, it may take us longer to reach a decision on your application. We may share parts of your application with other BFI teams or external consultants during or following assessment.

If your application is ineligible, we will email to tell you we are unable to consider it. We may enable you to fix a mistake if this is the only reason the application is ineligible.

How your application is assessed 

When assessing your application we consider:

  • degree to which the proposal closely addresses the challenge
  • degree to which the proposal addresses our funding Objective and Outcomes
  • your track record in delivering relevant professional/creative development initiatives
  • originality and dynamism of approach to programme design
  • strategy and sensitivity of approach in the creation of project-specific development resources for relevant talent constituencies
  • demonstrable understanding of screen sector development needs
  • level of detail and quality of planning around logistical elements of programme delivery and programme production overall
  • ability to provide partnership funding, whether cash or in-kind, to support programme delivery, in line with graduated requirements depending on company size described above
  • extent to which the programme will create UK-wide benefit
  • extent to which the strategic principle of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is reflected within delivery plans
  • extent to environmental sustainability is reflected within delivery plans
  • value for money demonstrated by the amount of activity delivered with the amount requested from the BFI
  • your demonstration of need for National Lottery funding
  • whether there is a clear public benefit to the proposed activity
  • detail of risk assessment and strength of proposed mitigations, including in relation to wellbeing and safeguarding

We get a lot of applications and cannot support them all. We prioritise proposals that:

  • most closely meet the challenge proposed
  • may have a transformational effect on the organisation delivering the activity
  • we think will have the biggest impact on the participants involved and the wider industry
  • offer, collectively with other programmes, a geographic spread to beneficiaries across the UK
  • offer value for money
  • are innovative in approach
  • aim for ongoing sustainability in terms of continuing to take place beyond the term of any funding from the BFI

Lottery Finance Committee consideration

Following assessment of each application, funding recommendations will be made to the BFI Lottery Finance Committee (LFC). This is the final stage of the funding decision process.

We undertake due diligence assessments of the applications we are recommending to our decision-making committee for funding. As part of this, before submitting an application to the committee, we will request the bank details of the lead applicant. We will also request the personal address and date of birth of the CEO or Managing Director of the organisation applying. Please note that our request for this information is not an indication or confirmation of funding and you will be informed separately of the funding decision on your application. We will use this data to run an identity check. This is not a credit check and will not affect the ability of the CEO or Managing Director to receive credit from other organisations. We will be unable to submit your application to LFC until we have received your completed form.

All applicants will be informed in writing of the decision on their application. If your application is declined, all supporting materials will be deleted from your submission in line with our record retention policy.

7. Getting a decision

If you’re successful 

  1. You will receive a written offer of funding.
  2. You will need to sign the offer of funding and return it to the BFI within 14 days.  

Your offer of funding will set out details of how you will receive the funding, how to use it and how we expect you to report to us.

Read Conditions of Funding below to find out what you will have to do if you are offered an award.

If you’re unsuccessful

We may have turned down your application because we determined that the proposal:

  • did not fit our funding objectives and outcomes
  • did not demonstrate a strong enough commitment to one or more of the following principles: equity, diversity and inclusion; UK-wide; environmental sustainability
  • was too ambitious for the budget
  • did not demonstrate enough relevant experience
  • was under-developed or lacking in detail around programme content, staffing, risk management etc.
  • did not demonstrate sufficient need for National Lottery support and could be financed by other means
  • did not sufficiently address the BFI Diversity Standards

It is not possible to resubmit the same application to the Creative Challenge Fund. 

Feedback on an unsuccessful application

If we had a meeting with you to discuss your application, you can ask for feedback on your application. We are a small team and unfortunately that means we are unable to give feedback to other applicants.

We will keep the data and supporting materials you sent to us in line with our records retention policy.

8. Conditions of funding

If we offer you funding, in addition to the General Conditions of National Lottery Funding,  you will be required to deliver the funded programme in accordance with the requirements set out in these guidelines and with the contents of your application (in their final form approved by the BFI) as follows:

  1. You will need to incorporate the filmmaker and project eligibility criteria set out in section one into your programme design.
  2. Your programme must be free of charge for participants.
  3. Participants must be remunerated for their time in line with the information provided in section four.
  4. You will need to issue a public call for applications that makes applying to the programme accessible for any applicant meeting the criteria and accompany this with filmmaker engagement and outreach work to ensure visibility of the opportunity to a wide range of potential participants.
  5. Programme design, participant selection and ongoing relationships with programme participants must be guided by the principle that this funding is not for slate development. There is not a prohibition on a successful organisation, following the conclusion of a programme, investing further in one or more projects that took part, but this is expected to be the exception rather than the rule, since the aim of the programme is to enable projects to gain financial support from other sources of investment.
  6. You will be required to work collaboratively with relevant BFI departments and partners, and your award will be overseen by one or more BFI representatives. This will include us requiring approval of a final programme schedule and budget including detail of the contents of each session. We may require successful applicants to attend a group meeting or workshop session prior to launching their programmes. If we request it, you will be required to enable a BFI representative to take part in the selection process for participants in your programme — including shortlisting applicants and/or taking part in any interviews you hold – and to facilitate access for a BFI representative to observe or where appropriate take part in one or more of your programme sessions. We may ask you for a meeting at any point during delivery to review progress, and may require you to share with BFI the materials that filmmakers deliver to you as part of the programme. 
  7. You will be required to collect diversity and geographical monitoring data on the applicants and beneficiaries of your programme, using data categories that will be supplied to you by the BFI. You will need to collect this data in a way that keeps it separate from your decision-making process and report the data in anonymised form to BFI.
  8. Where you have included unsecured partnership funding within your budget, you will need to provide updates on securing this finance to the BFI. The BFI may elect to withhold or withdraw your award if you are unable to secure a level of partnership funding required to deliver the programme as planned, or require that you submit revised plans and budget showing how the programme could be delivered without the planned partnership funding.
  9. Where applicable, you will need to adopt safeguarding provisions for protecting children and vulnerable adults. In terms of ensuring broader wellbeing for participants, you will need to require all participants to sign a code of conduct prior to joining your programme with a focus on behaviour, confidentiality around other participants’ work and a prohibition against any form of copying or plagiarism.
  10. Your progress will be measured based on submission by you of interim and final reports, dates for the receipt of which will be set out in your funding agreement matched to cash flow of instalments of the award. Each report will need to include a narrative update that includes detail on any changes to plans in comparison to those previously approved by BFI; update on KPIs; and cost reporting against your budget. Your final report will need to include survey data on the experience of your programme’s participants and permit follow-up surveying of participants’ career progression to help inform future BFI strategy.
  11. You will be required to write, and agree to the publication on the BFI website of, a final report sharing the learnings of your funded activity. This should be written in the spirit of the greatest transparency possible, to enable other organisations to learn from what your programme has achieved.
  12. You will be required to work with Julie’s Bicycle and, where applicable, BAFTA albert to assess the environmental impact of your programme and identify sustainability actions to take during delivery.
  13. You will be required to take part in evaluation of the Fund, carried out by a third-party contractor appointed by the BFI. This is likely to take place in 2024-25 and may be revisited during later years so you should ensure to retain all data relating to your programme, its participants and its impact until the end of the BFI Screen Culture Strategy in March 2033. You will need to ensure that data on all participants in the Creative Challenge Fund-supported programme can be shared with BFI and any third-party evaluator it appoints, in compliance with data protection legislation.
  14. You will be required to gain BFI approval for marketing and related materials for the programme, in line with branding guidelines that the BFI will provide you with. Those branding guidelines will also set out what credits you may take in relation to your programme’s support for any completed project.