Good Work Programme for screen sector support

£1,500,000 million of BFI National Lottery funding will be announced in autumn 2024.

This programme aims to create a ‘one-stop shop’ where screen businesses and individuals can access key resources, advice, support, and training to strengthen management and HR practices, build more inclusive workplaces, and support workforce productivity.  

Much research – including the PEC’s Good Work Review, the Film and TV Charity’s Looking Glass Report, The Time Project Report from the University of York, the University of Bournemouth’s State of Play: Management Practices in Unscripted Television Report – as well as the BFI’s own 2022 Skills Review, point to multiple issues and failings by the sector to consistently meet the principles of good work practices.   

The Good Work Review was commissioned by DCMS and is the first examination of job quality across the creative industries. The review is based on forty separate indicators and focuses on issues including fair pay, flexible working, paid overtime, and employee representation.   

Applications for organisations interested in delivering this programme for the sector are now closed. 

Check out more about the Good Work Programme for Screen.