FAQs for Places Fund

About the funding

How will the £750k be distributed across regions?

Funding will range between £100k and £250k, so we aim to fund a minimum of three applicants across the eligible regions. Some regions cover large geographical areas. Where appropriate, we can split the funding for more applications where it improves provision or geographical spread. 

Can we fund ongoing activities or existing projects?

National Lottery funding is project based and time limited and cannot be used for business-as-usual activities. We can fund activities that have existed before if you are looking to expand them in new ways, such as adding provision or reaching communities that you have not before. There needs to be a clear rationale for why National Lottery funding is required to do this.

Can we use funds to purchase software?

Funding cannot be used for capital expenditure. It can be used for contributions to overheads related to activity at a reasonable level.

Can we deliver cultural activities, like film literacy or cinema curation, as part of the programme?

The fund is primarily focused on upskilling and employment, not public engagement. While you can include activities like masterclasses or immersive experiences if they directly support skill-building, there are other funds for cultural programming.

Is the delivery timeline flexible?

The funding period is 18 months, with strategic recommendations  submitted by this deadline.

Some of our projects are funded until 31 March 2025. Is there scope to commence specific, currently unfunded activity from January 2025 and commence expansion of the training programme from April 2025?

Not all funded activity needs to commence immediately. Funding may be used to run a further iteration of a programme where an applicant can clearly explain why the previous source of funding is no longer available, alternative funding cannot be found and therefore National Lottery is the most appropriate. Funding can be used to expand additional activity, if it is clear what elements of the activity are project-funded by National Lottery, and what is BAU activity or other project activity funded by existing sources.

About your application

What qualifies as evidence of skills gaps or shortages in the region?

We understand that data might be patchy in these regions. Applicants might have access to crew mapping, production days, regional demographic data, or production heatmaps. We encourage applicants to pull together any insight they do have and be clear about what they do not know and how they will address this to form strategic recommendations by the end of the funding period. 

Our region has low ethnic diversity. How can we address this in our KPIs?

We know that the UK’s demographic makeup varies. People may be underrepresented for many reasons including gender identity, age, disability, socio-economic background or sexual identity. Focus on the demographic realities of your region and set stretch targets that are realistic for your area, based on local knowledge. Think about how your programme can bring opportunities to those who wouldn’t usually access them. 

Are partnerships with Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) institutions beneficial?

Applicants will benefit from knowing the stakeholders within their region, especially with HE and FE providers. For example, this could include universities, colleges, independent training providers, adult and community learning. Partnering with education institutions means applicants could understand the training routes within a region and they could look to improve local training provision, so learners are work ready. 

Should we focus on smaller, targeted groups or aim for larger numbers with broader outreach?

This depends on your region’s needs. We encourage applicants to think about specific requirements of their region and to make informed decisions based on evidence.

Should we aim for trainees to find work locally, or is it acceptable if they move outside the region?

The focus should be on building local crew bases within the region that meet industry need.

About eligibility

Is there a definitive list of areas included in the eligible regions?

We follow government regions as a guide, but we do not want to enforce boundaries where it does not fit with the local industry. We would like to see justification for where activity will take place. The lead applicant must be based in the region, and all activity must benefit the area without duplicating existing initiatives.

Should the lead applicant be closely connected to the industry, or can they be more administrative?

We have no strict preference. However, it is helpful if the lead applicant has a solid understanding of the local industry as they will be responsible for managing the partnerships, reporting on progress and attending meetings with the BFI

Are there any limitations on the types of partners we can include, like combined authorities or HE institutions?

There are no limitations to the types of organisations you can work with, but you will be expected to carry out appropriate due diligence on any partners in your proposed activity (see National Lottery Funding general conditions). 

Do we have to focus on certain age groups?

No. We are looking at employment outcomes for all new entrants, including career changers. We would like partners to consider how to support under-represented groups to gain employment in the screen industry. 

Is this fund for large organisations only?

This fund is open to organisations of different sizes. Your organisation must be a legally constituted organisation centrally managed in the UK.

What are the skills areas that are of interest? 

We encourage applicants to work with local stakeholders and employers to understand their local skills gaps and shortages. This could include, for example, developing skills in VFX, sustainability, construction for sets, or managerial skills. 


If you had a question that is not answered here, email skills.coordinator@bfi.org.uk