Eschewing the campy histrionics of the disastrous (albeit guiltily enjoyable) first sequel, William Peter Blatty’s inspired adaptation of his own novel Legion stars George C Scott as a police lieutenant investigating a series of suspected satanic murders.
Criminally overlooked at the time of release, this creeping masterclass in atmosphere now stands as one of the most frightening horror films of the 90s.
The Exorcist III (1990)
A police lieutenant investigates a series of suspected satanic murders.
- 1990 USA
- Directed by
- William Peter Blatty
- Produced by
- Carter De Haven
- Written by
- William Peter Blatty
- Featuring
- George C. Scott, Ed Flanders, Brad Dourif
- Running time
- 110 minutes
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10 great
10 great religious horror films
By Anna Bogutskaya