Ted and Joanna Kramer’s troubled relationship leads to an increasingly hostile custody battle for their young son in the courts when Joanna returns 15 months after leaving her family behind. Released when cultural views around the notion of parenthood were changing, Kramer vs. Kramer won five of the nine Oscars for which it was nominated, including the Best Actor award for Dustin Hoffman.
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep play parents fighting a bitter custody battle in this heart-wrenching, Oscar-winning drama.
- 1979 USA
- Directed by
- Robert Benton
- Produced by
- Stanley R. Jaffe
- Written by
- Robert Benton
- Featuring
- Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander
- Running time
- 105 minutes
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