Barnes and Hobson, as an ace reporter and his wife, serve up a nice line in banter while hunting down a gang of counterfeiters in Paris, all under the watchful eye of skinflint newspaper boss Macgregor (Sim).
The husband-and-wife team in this snappy comedy was the closest British film came to emulating the success of American series The Thin Man.
Hobson, still only 22, had already had a successful stint in Hollywood, but returned to Britain where her career continued to flourish over the next two decades.
This Man in Paris (1939)
A 22-year-old Valerie Hobson is luminous in this comedy thriller.
- 1939 United Kingdom
- Directed by
- David MacDonald
- Produced by
- Anthony Havelock-Allan, Richard Norton
- Written by
- Roger MacDougall, Allan MacKinnon
- Featuring
- Barry K. Barnes, Valerie Hobson, Alastair Sim
- Running time
- 86 minutes