Jennifer Macmillan

Collections Information Database Specialist

Jennifer is the Collections Information Database (CID) Specialist for the BFI, and began in role in 2021. Jennifer helps to build and maintain the CID infrastructure, covering Axiell Collections, Workflow, Axiell Move, Collections Search and various APIs, and is the front-line user support for the BFI’s 250+ users. In 2022, Jennifer led the project to replace the BFI National Archive’s collections management system, CID Live, to its successor product Axiell Collections, putting the BFI at the leading edge of collections management technology.

Jennifer is also the Co-Chair of the Adlib and Axiell Collections UK User Group, a forum for Axiell customers who use the same collections management system as the BFI.

Previous to the BFI, Jennifer worked in Collections Systems at the Imperial War Museum, and has an MA in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester and a BA in History from the University of Oxford.

Outside of work, Jennifer is a keen cross-stitcher (and always looking for new projects!) and lives in Coventry. She has one cat, who you might see turn up in meetings, and strong opinions on period dramas.