Special collections archivist

Wendy joined the BFI as Project Archivist in 2012, working on the Ken Loach Collection, then became Special Collections Archivist. She is responsible for looking after the BFI’s extensive paper collections and developing archival practice.
Wendy previously worked at the Archives Centre at the University of the Arts London, which holds the papers of Stanley Kubrick, as well as freelance working on the papers of a prominent British psychoanalyst. She has an MA in Intellectual History (Sussex), and an MA in Archives and Records Management (UCL), and has delivered many papers relating to archives, organised study days exploring a range or archival issues, and participated in various screening events outside of the BFI.
Spanning 2011 to 2018, Wendy held the position of Secretary, then Chair of the ARLIS/UK and Ireland Committee for Art and Design Archives, where she worked together with a group of archivists and archive curators to organise events and raise awareness of archives related to the arts. She co-edited the volume The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context with Sue Breakell (Routledge, 2023). Wendy is Co-Lead of the AHRC funded project Women’s Screen Work in the Archives Made Visible (2024-2028), and currently holds the position of Honorary Associate Research Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Exeter.