David Parkinson

Film critic and historian

Voted for

The Music Box1932James Parrott
La Règle du jeu1939Jean Renoir
Citizen Kane1941Orson Welles
Singin' in the Rain1951Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen
Tokyo Story1953Yasujirō Ozu
Les Vacances de M. Hulot1953Jacques Tati
Psycho1960Alfred Hitchcock
A Hard Day's Night1964Richard Lester
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles1975Chantal Akerman
Die ZWEITE HEIMAT1992Edgar Reitz


It's a privilege to participate in the Sight and Sound poll. Thank you for asking. Twenty years ago, I chose films that had helped shape the history of cinema. This selection is more personal.