Visiting the library

The BFI Reuben Library is open to everyone and is free – whether you're researching our collections or are just interested in finding out more, you can find us in the main foyer at BFI Southbank.

How to find us


BFI Reuben Library
BFI Southbank
Belvedere Road
South Bank
London SE1 8XT

Easter closure dates

The BFI Reuben Library will be closed on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 April for the Easter break. The reading room will re-open Tuesday 22 April at the usual time of 11am.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday: 11am to 7pm
Closed Sunday and Monday

We are closed on all public holidays. There are occasional venue closures during the year. Please check this page or contact us before making a special journey.

Our terms of use

  • you are welcome to pre-book a research session via Box Office or online. Sessions run from 11am to 7pm, but we recommend you arrive as early as possible to make sure you get a desk
  • you do not need to book and can drop in at any time during library opening hours
  • we will ask you to complete a registration card if you want to use any books, journals or other materials
  • our secure lockers are currently unavailable. We hope to reintroduce lockers for library users next year
  • please look after your personal belongings and do not leave them unattended. Ensure any bags are safely stowed under your desk and no a trip hazard for others
  • browsing of the library shelves is permitted, but we ask you to be mindful of others’ personal space as you do so. We encourage you to order materials in advance of your visit, using our request form
  • study desks are not distanced, but please be considerate of your fellow researchers’ personal space and boundaries when moving about the library
  • the library is deep cleaned every night; hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes are available at the library desk for your use

Find out information about accessing BFI Southbank.

We look forward to welcoming you again soon. If you’d like to speak with one of our Library team before your visit please contact us.

Access information

Our library desk is fitted with a hearing induction loop system, and we have a range of assistive equipment for blind and partially-sighted researchers.

Contact us to discuss your access requirements.

For further information about access please also visit the BFI Southbank access information page.

Search the collections

Our extensive collection is available to all, free of charge. Most items can be accessed on the day of your visit, and items held in storage can be requested in advance.

Complete an advance request form for any library material held in storage. A minimum of one day’s notice is required for items held in our Closed Access Stack at BFI Southbank. For items held at the BFI Conservation Centre, please allow up to 10 working days for delivery.

Material held in the library’s Reading Room doesn’t need to be requested in advance. If you are unsure of an item’s location, please add a note to your advance request form and a member of the library team will try to assist you.

Contact us for general enquires and planning your research.

Using the library

Lost property

Any personal items left in the library or the library lockers at the end of the day are passed to BFI Southbank security. The security office is situated opposite the entrance to NFT2.

Telephone: 020 7815 1355