Easter closure dates
The BFI Reuben Library will be closed on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 April for the Easter break. The reading room will re-open Tuesday 22 April at the usual time of 11am.
Visiting the library
How to find the library, access information and request materials in advance.
Find out moreSearch the collections
Search our database of the films, TV, images, scripts, books and journals we hold.
Search the collectionsDigital library on demand service
Request scans of book chapters or journal articles if you can't visit in person.
Make a requestLibrary reading room
The Edwin Fox Foundation Reading Room is open to anyone – from BFI Southbank cinemagoers to researchers.
Find out moreEvents programme
We host a range of talks and events throughout the year.
Explore the Library events programmeBFI Reuben Library team
Biographies and research interests of the BFI Reuben Library team.
Find out moreLibrary policies
Our acquisition and donations policies, and our commitments to helping visitors and researchers.
Find out moreWe would like to thank our generous supporters.
Principal funders
The Reuben Foundation
Major benefactors
The Edwin Fox Foundation
Additional support
The Hintze Family Charitable Foundation